man 10:00 -- 12:00 (2024-08-12) Utstilling : Vi ønsker en god trygg plass for barn i Arendal Arrangør: Childrens international press assosiation; Arendal Bibliotek Sted: Arendal bibliotek
man 12:00 -- 13:00 (2024-08-12) Energisikkerhet og omstilling Arrangør: University of Stavanger Sted: Rygerelektra
man 12:00 -- 13:45 (2024-08-12) Hovedprogram Global Outlook - Seeing the world as it is Arrangør: Arendalsuka; Eyde-klyngen; UiA; Arendal Fossekompani; GCE NODE; Gard Sted: Arendal kultur- og rådhus
man 12:00 -- 14:00 (2024-08-12) Who does what for children? In the world Arrangør: Childrens international press assosiation; Arendal Bibliotek Sted: Arendal bibliotek
man 16:00 -- 17:30 (2024-08-12) The Future of Energy Arrangør: GCE NODE; ONS Sted: Clarion Hotel Tyholmen
man 18:00 -- 19:30 (2024-08-12) International co-operation for a secure and sustainable Arctic Arrangør: Nordisk ministerråd; NordForsk Sted: Nordens telt
man 19:30 -- 21:00 (2024-08-12) Democracy frontline. Debates into action - Alliances to Consolidate Efforts for Ukraine's Victory. Arrangør: ARKIVET freds- og menneskerettighetssenter; Carpathian Sea Democracy Week Sted: Menneskerettighetsteltet
tir 08:00 -- 08:45 (2024-08-13) Hva skjer med de globale utslippene? Arrangør: CICERO Senter for klimaforskning Sted: GRID-Arendal
tir 09:00 -- 10:30 (2024-08-13) Ambassadors Round Table - Global Disruption, Facing the Challenge Arrangør: Arendal kommune Sted: Arendal gamle rådhus
tir 10:00 -- 11:00 (2024-08-13) Reuse- How to walk the talk Arrangør: Handelens Miljofond Sted: Bærekraftscenen
tir 11:00 -- 12:00 (2024-08-13) Freedom of navigation and the future of world trade Arrangør: Norges Rederiforbund; US Embassy Oslo Sted: Lille Andevinge
tir 12:45 -- 13:30 (2024-08-13) Counting the costs - Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) Arrangør: Landsforeningen 1001 dager - mental helse under graviditet og etter fødsel Sted: Hjerneteltet
tir 14:00 -- 14:45 (2024-08-13) Save Our Snow – the implications of changing snow cover in the Hindu Kush Himalaya and the Arctic Arrangør: ICIMOD; GRID-Arendal Sted: Lavvoen
tir 14:00 -- 15:00 (2024-08-13) Towards 2050: The Future of German-Norwegian Energy Cooperation Arrangør: KonKraft; Norsk-Tysk Handelskammer Sted: Madam Reiersen
tir 14:00 -- 15:30 (2024-08-13) Building a collaborative ecosystem for sustainable healthcare innovation Arrangør: American Chamber of Commerce in Norway Sted: Clarion Hotel Tyholmen
tir 15:00 -- 16:15 (2024-08-13) India: The potential of recycling water and waste – myth and reality in achieving a circular economy Arrangør: Det Moderne India; Vannklyngen; Indo Nordic Water Forum Sted: Impact Hub Agder Arendal
tir 15:00 -- 17:00 (2024-08-13) AVLYST - Hvorfor samles vi? Er du lei konferanser og samlinger, eller ser du dem som et verktøy for endring? Arrangør: Norwegian Alliance for Startups & Tech Sted: MS Søgne
tir 15:30 -- 16:30 (2024-08-13) Why Norway’s renewable energy boom is happening everywhere but here Arrangør: Kyoto Group AS Sted: Smalsund
tir 16:00 -- 16:45 (2024-08-13) The Environmental Impact of conflicts: Assessing Consequences and Seeking Solutions Arrangør: GRID Arendal Sted: GRID-Arendal
tir 16:30 -- 17:45 (2024-08-13) Does it matter who we are? Doing disability research in the global south Arrangør: Fafo; Atlas-alliansen Sted: Forskningsteltet
tir 17:00 -- 17:45 (2024-08-13) Inside the INC Process: Unveiling Plastic Treaty Negotiations Arrangør: GRID Arendal Sted: GRID-Arendal
tir 17:00 -- 17:45 (2024-08-13) Ambassadors talk on Advancing Peace, Justice and Inclusion through SDG 16 Arrangør: UNDP Sted: Den Lille Andunge
tir 18:00 -- 19:00 (2024-08-13) Exploring Constructive Journalism: A Tool for Saving the World? Arrangør: GRID Arendal; Constructive Institute Sted: GRID-Arendal
tir 19:15 -- 20:00 (2024-08-13) Peaks of Change - a conversation with Kristin Harila Arrangør: GRID Arendal; ICIMOD; UN Global Compact Norge; FN-sambandet Sted: GRID-Arendal
ons 09:00 -- 09:45 (2024-08-14) Is the world becoming unhinged? Arrangør: Institutt for fredsforskning/Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Sted: Den Lille Andunge
ons 09:00 -- 10:00 (2024-08-14) From Words to Action: Do EU's Sustainability Regulations Have an Effect? Arrangør: Arendals Fossekompani; Factlines Sted: Arendals Fossekompani
ons 09:00 -- 10:00 (2024-08-14) European Competitiveness in an Era of Deglobalisation & Decarbonisation Arrangør: Norsk-Tysk Handelskammer; Norsk Hydro ASA Sted: Kulturkammeret
ons 10:00 -- 10:45 (2024-08-14) Leading the green industrial revolution – from Norway Arrangør: Fortescue Sted: Madam Reiersen
ons 10:00 -- 11:00 (2024-08-14) New biotechnology to end malaria: a priority for Norwegian aid? Arrangør: Bioteknologirådet; Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health, University of Bergen Sted: Impact Hub Agder Arendal
ons 12:00 -- 12:45 (2024-08-14) Can AI make Norway better? A discussion based on a brand new AI study Arrangør: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Sted: Madam Reiersen
ons 12:00 -- 12:45 (2024-08-14) Real Business - Er den gode dialog truet? En samtale med Deeyah Khan og Kjersti Løken Stavrum Arrangør: Nobels Fredssenter; Norsk Hydro ASA Sted: Aleppo stasjon
ons 13:00 -- 13:50 (2024-08-14) Can Norwegian batteries contribute to a just transition in the global South? Arrangør: Universitetet i Agder; BATJUST Battery Justice Research Network Sted: UiA-teltet
ons 13:00 -- 14:00 (2024-08-14) Sustainable supply chains in energy production Arrangør: Factlines AS Sted: Arendals Fossekompani
ons 14:00 -- 14:45 (2024-08-14) How can Norway support resilient governance in Ukraine Arrangør: Chr. Michelsens Institutt/U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre Sted: Den Lille Andunge
ons 14:00 -- 15:30 (2024-08-14) Historisk handelsavtale med India–Hva betyr dette for norsk eksport, næring og det grønne skiftet? Arrangør: Team Norway i India; Norway India Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NICCI) Sted: Clarion Hotel Tyholmen
ons 15:00 -- 16:00 (2024-08-14) Time to wake up: Managing and cooperating with hyperscalers Arrangør: Foreningen kommunal informasjonssikkerhet Sted: Kystveien 2
ons 17:15 -- 18:15 (2024-08-14) Does war make the state? The present and future of Ukrainian democracy Arrangør: Den norske Helsingforskomité; Raftostiftelsen Sted: Menneskerettighetsteltet
ons 18:00 -- 18:45 (2024-08-14) Alternative media in Norway: Democracy´s friend or foe? Arrangør: University of Agder Sted: UiA-teltet
tor 08:30 -- 09:30 (2024-08-15) The role of sivil society in advancing women’s rights and sexual and reproductive health and rights Arrangør: FOKUS Forum for kvinner og utviklingsspørsmål; Den norske jordmorforeningen; Fagforbundet; Norsk sykepleierforbund; Sex & Politikk; Norsk venstrekvinnelag; Høyres kvinneforum; Kurdish Women's Rights Sted: Arendal bibliotek
tor 09:00 -- 09:50 (2024-08-15) Sustainable fuel: Can we learn from Germany? Arrangør: Höegh Autoliners; Heidelberg Materials; Yara; Norges Rederiforbund Sted: MS Brisen
tor 11:00 -- 11:45 (2024-08-15) Will geopolitics kill the energy transition? Arrangør: Statkraft Sted: MS Brisen
tor 12:00 -- 12:50 (2024-08-15) Gender Backlash i en urolig tid; Hva kan Norge gjøre? Arrangør: Norwegian Church Aid; Sex og Politikk; Redd Barna, Norge; Plan International, Norge; Amnesty International, Norge Sted: Clarion Hotel Tyholmen
tor 12:15 -- 13:15 (2024-08-15) Polar Promise: Himalayan-Arctic collaboration for better future Arrangør: GRID-Arendal Sted: Lavvoen
tor 14:00 -- 15:00 (2024-08-15) Can Norway compete in attracting top talent? Arrangør: Startup Migrants Sted: KUBEN museum og arkiv
tor 14:00 -- 15:00 (2024-08-15) Exceptionally Arctic – High Stakes for Arctic States Arrangør: Canadas ambassade; Stortinget; University of the Arctic Sted: Lavvoen
tor 16:00 -- 16:50 (2024-08-15) Blue Carbon Finance: Sustainable Management Unlocked? Arrangør: GRID Arendal; Norad; Norwegian Blue Forests Network Sted: GRID-Arendal
tor 16:30 -- 17:30 (2024-08-15) Gjenoppretting av økosystemene i havet Arrangør: Orange Business AS; NIVA; Sintef Sted: Bærekraftscenen
tor 20:30 -- 21:30 (2024-08-15) AVLYST - Women in Sustainable Prosperity: In the circular economy, She rules. Arrangør: UVG Sted: Samfunnsteltet
fre 11:00 -- 12:00 (2024-08-16) Who does what for children? In Arendal! Arrangør: Childrens international press assosiation; Arendal Library Sted: Arendal bibliotek